The body keeps the score, so that's where we go.

Somatic trauma healing gets to the root, clearing it from every layer of the body so that you can rediscover your happiness + thrive once again.

I'm Rehmat, a trauma informed coach and facilitator.
I create group and 1-1 containers, bringing in a multitude of modalities such as breathwork, cacao ceremonies, spinal energetics and energy healing. This way, we release trauma from every layer of the body.

My work is underpinned by scientific trauma studies, Eastern philosophies and my years of experience as a space holder.

Work With Me


Through years of training + working with trauma, I've created a unique framework that is both safe and effective for healing trauma. It gets to the root trauma and clears it, in the safest way possible - and it ensures that you continue to grow and evolve long after our work together has concluded. It's a tried and tested method, blending eastern philosophies with science-backed practices.

1. Create Safety - as a trauma informed practitioner, safety is of utmost importance. The space can't be a safe space until we feel safe in our bodies, and nervous system regulation work is key here to build that safety.

2. Release Trauma - once safety is established, you're ready to release your trauma. This process sometimes feels quite intense, especially if there is much to be shifted. This is a participant-led process, and I see it as the 'fun' part - the heaviness begins to shift relatively quickly and often beautiful insights are received.

3. Integrate - the hard work begins here. A shift in thought patterns and habits is necessary to keep the happiness you uncovered. What will you leave behind, and what will you take with you into this new chapter?

Work With Me

One to One Trauma Healing

A completely bespoke experience, online or in person

  • Assessment + bespoke plan tailored to your challenges, traumas + Human Design
  • Weekly 90min trauma healing sessions (min. 8 sessions)
  • Voxer support throughout
Book a Discovery Call

Drop In Healing Sessions

Not sure if you're ready to commit to a programme of sessions? Try a drop in. Sessions will support you to process traumatic events.

  • 60 min. treatment, online

Trauma Alchemy Collective

Online membership coming soon!



Dip your toe into trauma healing with our events, ranging from workshops to full or half day retreats.

From £45


A revolutionary 6 month container that only exists once a year.